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Long Way Gone Study Guide Essay

1.What does Ishmael say the war is about? Ishmael says nothing regarding the reasons for the war, or what each side was battling for, or ...

Monday, September 30, 2019

Elementary education 1833-1870 Essay

What was the role of the government in developing Elementary Education 1833-1870? 1. Why did the government play little role in education before the nineteenth century? Government played little role in education prior to the nineteenth century because of many reasons, one of them being Laissez faire. Laissez faire was the philosophy of the government that it was not their role to get involved in the lives of the people. Edward Baines wrote about the state of education in 1846 and said â€Å"it is not the duty of the government to feed the people†¦these are things that the people can and ought to do themselves† some thought this was the way God wanted things to be. Other felt that the fittest and richest could survive; the idea did nothing for the poor. One of the only things government was willing to get involved in was defending the country. Money was another motive why the government played little role. The government didn’t want to spend money on educating the poor, they would much rather spend their money on the royal stables and the military. On Samuel Whitbread’s Bill this topic was discussed â€Å"It would burden the country with a most enormous expense†. Not only did they not want to put money towards education but also it was going to be a very expensive project, which they thought could be done without. Samuel Whitbread argued that more education was needed and that raises money was the way forward when he stood up to the government, but the House of Lords rejected his Bill. The Class system was another thing that was preventing the government from contributing money towards education. Everyone knew his or her place in society so for the poor to read write and be educated would make them more intelligent and mess up the ‘The Great Chain of Being’; this was another name for the social structure at the time. The chain of being was written about once by a Bishop in 1720 and he said â€Å"God so orders it that we always have some Poor among us† from this the ‘The great chain of being’ had come about. The Government simply didn’t see the need for change. There were already Sunday Schools and Dame Schools available for the poor, which were supplied by the church and individuals ‘As far as education was concerned, the government was content’ reading this its seems as if the government couldn’t be bothered to improve if there was nothing wrong with how things were currently going. This reminds me of the old saying ‘why fix it, if its not broken’. Revolutionary ideas were also something that was considered to be a threat if the poor were to be educated. If they were taught to read then they would be able to understand and read Anti-Christian books and stories about revolutions in other countries such as France. This was also discussed in the Debate on Samuel Whitbread’s Bill, â€Å"It would enable them to read vicious books, and publications against Christianity† religion was very strong at this time and to disrupt it could have lead to social unrest. Revolting against how they feel they stand in society would â€Å"make them insolent to their superiors† this was also talked about on Samuel Whitbread’s Bill. Parents of poor children didn’t want their children to go to school and learn, because they wanted them to work and earn money. This was the traditional way of life for the poor people and most of them were keen to stick with it. They worked on farms and in mines. However if the parents were to look at the advantages of educating their children they would see that with an education they could get better jobs and earn more money. Even though it would have taken time it still would have been the more intelligent choice, but as they were not educated themselves they never thought of it that way. 2. Why did the government become involved in developing elementary education for all during the nineteenth century? Government eventually had to become involved in developing elementary education. The increasing population meant that schools could not cope with the large amounts of pupils, so more schools were built to accommodate the demands of numbers. The large numbers of pupils also meant that more teachers were needed and to employ more teachers money was needed, so without the help and money from the government education would have gone nowhere. Not only would they have needed more teachers but also they would need bigger schools to have room for the large increase of pupils. The poor people could no longer look after themselves, so the government had to step in. They may have been struggling because the higher classes were sending their children to school so they would have had a tremendous advantage over the poor and uneducated children when they both contest for work, as they got older. A link the raising population had with the changes outside education is firstly the 1832 Great Reform Act. For the first time the large new industrial towns were able to elect MPs, most of these MPs were keen on cleaning up the towns. In the end the combined effects of the Reform Act and the cholera epidemic of 1832 made the living conditions in all towns a major political issue. An education was needed for people to be able to operate the machines. Due to these demands the scope of education was widened to include the children of more ordinary men and women. ‘Better-educated clerks and crafts people were needed’ to produce better goods to increase the countries economy with trade. Better-educated workers were wanted; the future of workers education took a big step forward with the Factory Act of 1833. This Act laid down that every factory child should receive two hours’ schooling a day. Other countries were educating their youth and were therefore were ahead of Britain in that department, so to avoid embarrassment and keep up to date the government decided it was time to teach the younger generation. This was a very important time for the country because they realised that the children are the future and educating them would be so much better for the government. This would be because to have more educated workers in the future would mean people doing and understanding their jobs better. If countries got ahead of Britain then they would have more knowledge, to stop this the government introduced an education Bill, this was read from it â€Å"If we leave our workfolk unskilled, they will become over-matched in the competition of the world† by W. E Forster. More money was coming in from the country’s trade and empire. This meant that more money could and was put forward towards education for the poor. Most of the money from the trade came from the industrial revolution. This was mainly thanks to the trade that merchants did with Australia and other countries. Another thing that played a key part in the great income was the Railway industry. This was very quickly becoming a national system and brought in great loads of money. A link with more money coming in from education was that more money could be spent on defence. This was very helpful because if Britain were to go to war we would have hopefully have been well off. Poor people were given the chance to vote, but they needed some knowledge of who to vote for and why. If they knew what things they wanted from the government, then they could have a rough idea of who shares the same thoughts and ambition as them for the running of the country. They needed to know who to vote for because if that person won he would run the country, so they are voting for a very important matter. In the reform Act of 1867 most working class men were giving the chance to vote. This was very important link outside education because with educated voters the country has a better chance of a good and well presented Prime Minister.   

Sunday, September 29, 2019

How does Mark Haddon use the first person narration in The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time? Essay

In the words of Christopher Boone ‘The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night – time’ is a ‘’murder mystery novel’’. This book takes you on a surprisingly effective journey through the world of 15 year old Christopher suffering from Asperger’s syndrome; a boy who turns to mathematics for comfort, who cannot eat foods if they are touching on his plate, and who judges the potential success of his day by the number of similarly coloured cars that pass him on the way to school. The story of the murder of Mrs Shears’s dog is told from Christopher’s perspective. Author, Mark Haddon’s use of the first person narrative is effective in the way in which it enables us to enter Christopher’s mind, it equally creates problems for the reader†¦ Throughout the novel, it becomes clear for us that Christopher finds it difficult to portray emotion or vice versa to read other people’s emotions. The fact that Christopher has Asperger’s syndrome adds to his inability to relate to how other people feel. As a result of this Christopher sees life in a very logical way and tends to describe things in lots of detail. This lack of understanding is highlighted during the novel. Initially the way Christopher fails to understand Mrs Shears’s anger and horror at the discovery of her dog, and later his lack of understanding for his father’s unhappiness and regret. ‘’There was a policeman and a policewoman. The policewoman had a little hole in her tights on her left ankle and a red scratch in the middle of the hole.’’ This quote shows Christopher’s logic and understanding and how he failed to realise that the policewoman had been hurt. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is a murder mystery novel. Christopher tells us how he does not ‘’like proper novels.’’ The first person narration is good for the reader because it’s as if you are travelling with Christopher on a journey and you are there with him all the time in the book. As a reader you feel this way because in the book the ‘major’ events unfold to you and Christopher at the same time so as a character Christopher is facing new experiences, whilst you the reader are getting a shock. The reader and Christopher are both kept in the dark for the same amount of time until the truth gets revealed. ‘’Then I stopped reading the letter because I felt sick. Mother had not had a heart attack. Mother had not died. Mother had been alive all the time.’’ This quote shows the time when Christopher finds out that his mother had not been dead, and in fact alive. His reaction to this is not e xactly ‘vivid’ however as a reader you could imagine in your head that moment and picture his facial expressions. Mark Haddon’s use of the first person narrator makes the story seem more realistic as it lets the reader get an insight into not just Christopher’s but most of the character’s emotions. Even though Christopher himself doesn’t tend to show much emotion you can still paint an image in your head of what he is feeling, this is because of the way he narrates. The small yet detail he gives you along the story is beneficial as it enables you to become close to Christopher and understand him as a character. The details he notices of other people tend to be their body language; this information helps the reader to understand how other characters feel. Christopher finds it hard to read emotions and gets confused when he can’t think properly, as a reader you can relate to his frustration because of the way he responds to people and their actions. ‘’What else did I say Christopher? I thought that this might be a rhetorical question, but I wasn†™t sure. I found it hard to work out what to say because I was starting to get scared and confused.’’ The downside to Mark Haddon’s use of first person narration is that the reader cannot fully experience what other people are feeling. The reader is restricted to mainly Christopher’s feelings and emotions as the book is written from his perspective. The fact that it is written from Christopher’s point of view means that everything we find out has already been processed through Christopher as he is the narrator. The disadvantage of this is that because Christopher has Asperger’s syndrome, it is harder for him to understand things like jokes and metaphors. ‘’ This will not be a funny book. I cannot tell jokes because I do not understand them.’’ This could be bad for the reader because Christopher is a very literal person so it is hard for him to add humour into the book and for that reason readers may not enjoy the fact it is written in first person. Christopher tends to focus on other small details which seem relevant to him but as readers you feel as if sometimes it is just completely off topic. Another reason why Mark Haddon’s use of first person narration is not suitable is that, when Christopher narrates he tends to digress alot. When he talks he sticks to the topic however moments later he is narrating about another topic. ‘’Marilyn vos Savant said that you should always change and pick the final door because the chances are 2 in 3 that there will be a car behind the door.’’ This quote was taken from a chapter which started off by Christopher talking about why he liked maths and how his teacher said that Christopher liked maths ‘’because it was safe.’’ The chapter ended with a tree diagram showing outcomes of a game show, where the topic started, and where it ended were in two quite different places! In conclusion, I think that Mark Haddon has successfully written this book in first person although if the book was written in third person we would gather more information from all characters and their feelings, alternatively, as it is written in first person, Mark Haddon tells Christopher’s story with warmth and humour which makes us see Christopher’s problems at the same time that we experience everyone else’s frustrations in dealing with him. By having Christopher as a narrator it allows you to enjoy those situations that may happen in real life. The suspense that builds up throughout the story is great as it keeps you on the edge of your seat as you don’t know what is going to happen next! I personally enjoyed reading this book from Christopher’s point of view as it lets you imagine how people deal with Asperger’s syndrome as well as how they act with the syndrome. The first person narration is effective because I think it made the book seem more realistic because in reality that is probably what would happen, if you were to go onto a train for the first time alone then you would most likely be scared.†Then the train wobbled a lot and I had to hang onto a rail and we went into a tunnel and it was noisy and I closed my eyes and I could feel the blood pumping in the sides of my neck.’’ I think the way in which the author has captured Christopher’s emotion and feelings is unique because as a reader I first thought It was boring to be reading a book from his point of view, however as the story went on I realised that it is quite fascinating to be reading from someone who has Asperger’s syndrome. Overall I thought this book was quite extraordinary and the first person narration was used quite effectively.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Paterson Grading

A General information: Job Evaluation principles SECTION B Job Evaluation procedure and system application Job Evaluation system overview Job Evaluation procedure SECTION C Job Evaluation System Rules Job Evaluation Terminology SECTION D Skill level Factor points and assessment Page 12 Page 15 Page 7 Page 8 Page 5 Page 5 Page 6 Page 3 Page 4 Job Evaluation Guideline 2006 2 SECTION A A. GENERAL INFORMATION WHAT IS JOB EVALUATION? Job evaluation is the rating of jobs according to a specifically planned procedure in order to determine the relative worth of each job.AIMS OF JOB EVALUATION The Primary Aim To determine the â€Å"intrinsic† worth of jobs, based on systematic assessment of the degree of complexity of job content and requirement, and to do this independently of any pre-conceived standards of remuneration and without regard to the qualities and performance of the actual personnel who perform the jobs. Secondary Aims †¢ To relate jobs to each other in terms of their intrinsic worth, and hence to determine relative complexities of different jobs and a rational job structure within an organisation. To provide a rational basis for equitable remuneration (pay and benefits) within an organisation, so that defensible rates of remuneration may be assigned to both jobs themselves and to the individuals who perform the jobs. The main elements of Job Evaluation are Organisational Structure A diagrammatic representation of jobs in the organisation indicating the line of authority/ control to enable an understanding of the workflow and, reporting relationships, that exists within functional areas.Job Analysis A detailed observational and/ or questionnaire based study of a job using specific criterions to determine the role boundaries or key performance areas of positions. Job Evaluation Guideline 2006 3 Job Description A document describing the job purpose, duties, the job specifications, authority of the post and any physical or special conditions attach ed to the post. B. JOB EVALUATION PRINCIPLES The following principles are applicable to Job Evaluation. †¢ †¢ Always examine the job itself, and NOT the person doing it. Assume proper and competent performance of the job, in accordance with normal standards of the job. †¢ †¢ †¢ Evaluate the job â€Å"as is† not with regard to ideals or future projections.Reject any job description which is unclear. Evaluate from a consensus of opinion, not from the estimation of one person alone. Before an evaluation takes place, normal expectations and standards for the job must have been recognised and accepted by the job incumbent (s), the immediate superior and by management. This is done by signing the job description. Note: Job titles: Job titles are no indication of the complexity of a specific job as it is only a basic indication of its functional classification. Job content: Job Content eflects the different tasks performed in the job as expected by the organ isation from the job incumbent in order to achieve the organisational objectives. Skill requirements: Individuals perform differently in relation to job specifications. Therefore, individuals can be assessed at different levels of merit. This is outside the scope of job evaluation. Job Evaluation Guideline 2006 4 SECTION B A. JOB EVALUATION PROCEDURE AND SYSTEM APPLICATION TASK (TUNED ASSESSMENT OF SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE) was originally developed in the early 1980’s and remains one of the most widely used evaluation systems in Southern Africa.It is currently the used for the evaluation of all jobs in the Sugar industry. B. TASK JOB EVALUATION SYSTEM OVERVIEW The T A S K Job Evaluation system has two dimensions to its application. The ‘SKILL LEVEL’ enables the job to be positioned on the structure and is assessed on specific characteristics which broadly describe applications, principles, knowledge associated with specific functional levels. There are five skill lev els: †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ BASIC SKILL LEVEL DISCRETIONARY SKILL LEVEL SPECIALISED SKILL LEVEL TACTICAL SKILL LEVEL STRATEGIC SKILL LEVEL All jobs, once positioned into a specific skill level are evaluated using four factors Complexity: measures the different levels of difficulty in a job. †¢ Knowledge: measures the amount of know-how required in the job. †¢ Influence: refers to the interaction/ communication involved that results in changes to the way things are done. †¢ Pressure: refers to stressors inherent in the job. Each of the four factors are scored on a rating scale. The sum of the scores of the four factors gives a total score which translates into a T A S K grade. Job Evaluation Guideline 2006 5 There are twenty six grades in the T A S K system, 26 being the highest and 1 being the lowest.SKILL LEVEL BASIC DISCRETIONARY SPECIALISED TACTICAL STRATEGIC BAND DEFINITION Guided outcomes Procedural Judgements Diagnostic, analytical, interpretati ve procedures Strategy implementation Strategic leadership and vision GRADE 1-3 4-8 9-13 14-18 19-26 C. JOB EVALUATION PROCEDURE 1. Number each job description for ease of reference. 2. Place jobs within the different skill level, applying the skill level guidelines, depending on the content as recorded in the job description. 3. Assess the job using the factors, assigning a value from the factor weighting in accordance with the applicability of the job design to the factor definitions. . Add up the total number of points and convert to a T A S K grade using the conversion table. 5. Record the reasoning for the selection of the skill level and weightings allocated to each of the four factors. Job Evaluation Guideline 2006 6 SECTION C A. JOB EVALUATION SYSTEM RULES The following rules are applicable when using the system to evaluate jobs. 1. All guidelines in the box must be applicable in order to score within that box. 2. Scores within the box must relate to the degree of applicabil ity of the guidelines to the work content. 3.The points should relate to low, moderate or high degrees of applicability for the factors Complexity and Knowledge. 4. For Influence and Pressure, the points should relate to a partial or a full fit. 5. Always establish that information considered in the grading of a job relates to what is really required by the job. Guard against allowing the evaluation to be influenced by what the job incumbent may be able to do. 6. When deciding the skill level or factor points the highest work content should be considered, provided it forms a clear part of the job. 7.The points allocated for Complexity and Knowledge will generally correlate and should normally be within two points of each other. 8. A person who supervises another is graded at least one grade higher than the subordinate because of the supervisory aspects of the work. Other work is graded on its own merits, (See explanation of a supervisor in the terminology section). 9. A supervisory position always scores higher under Complexity than a subordinate position. A superior in the same discipline scores more under Knowledge than a subordinate. 10. A borderline score is one where the points are between grades within a particular skill level.The borderline score must be reviewed and if the score remains on the borderline the lower grade will apply, however, the higher grade may apply when making comparisons with other jobs within the organisational structure. Job Evaluation Guideline 2006 7 B. GENERAL TERMINOLOGY EXPLANATION Factor definitions FACTOR DEFINITION This is a measurement of the different levels of difficulty required to be performed in the job. Typical indicators are COMPLEXITY the nature and type of guideline available, the extent of interaction involved in problem solving sequences, the courses of action or alternative solutions available.The amount of know how required in a job to allow an incumbent to cope competently with the work involved. This may be acquired through education and/ or training/ experience. Typical indicators include the duration of the KNOWLEDGE training/ experience required and or qualifications deemed to essential, demonstrated abilities from simple comprehension to interpretative application skills and, the straightforward identification of a problem through comparison against established measures or in depth investigative application to determine the applicability of solutions.The extent of influence is measured by the effects or INFLUANCE changes that occurs through the provision of information or advice and/ or exercising persuasion to accept courses of action. This refers to the stressors that are inherent in the job and PRESSURE can be either mental, physical or both. Typical measures are the nature of the workflow, interruptions from normal activities, uncertainty in outcomes. Job Evaluation Guideline 2006 8 System terminology explanation SKILL LEVEL TERMINOLGY EXPLANATION Condition of been active. Mos t basic sequence of work elements. The skills are acquired through watching EXAMPLELifts; tightens; loosens; picks; packs; cuts ACTIVITY demonstrations and repetition results in improvement. Outcomes are known and any deviation can be immediately BASIC recognised. A OPERATION sequence of ACTIVITIES that produces a prescribed end result. To each activity there is a logical start and finish with a relationship to the next activity. Counting and packing; sorting; delivering; filing Preparing and A sequence of OPERATION which results in an integrated required end result. The operation will follow in a DISCRETIONARY ROUTINE logical order and it is essential that each step is performed to enable the next step. ompleting correspondence; recordkeeping; receiving, recording and communicating; setting, operating and adjusting. Interpreting requirements, An arrangement of relationship with an input, throughput and output phase. SPECIALISED SYSTEM Routines are interrelated within each phase and across the phases and, produces a desired end result. setting, operating, troubleshooting and problem solving, adjusting and checking/ evaluating an outcome. Human Resources Management, Engineering; Operations Management; Financial Management Advanced knowledge in a distinct area of study.Understanding the complete theory, techniques and practices which TACTICAL DISCIPLINE requires innovative applications and interpretation and determination of future impact/ consequences. Job Evaluation Guideline 2006 9 SKILL LEVEL TERMINOLGY EXPLANATION A distinct part of an organisational structure which comprises of a single discipline or multiple discipline striving towards major outcomes. the accomplishment of EXAMPLE Operations; Technical; Research and Development; Quality Control FUNCTION objectives and plans and contributing to functional/ organisational Job Evaluation Guideline 2006 10 SECTION DA. SKILL LEVEL GUIDELINES SKILL LEVEL ONE: BASIC SKILL LEVEL This skill level is that which is developed with a limited amount of training. The learning period is short and usually consists of following instructions or watching demonstrations of the work to be done. Competence is attained through repetition of the work during the initial training period rather than through further experience. Characteristics 1. Very little training. 2. Decides on the speed of operation. 3. Taught exactly what to do. 4. Direct instructions communication involves simple words. 5. Equipment or tools are specified. 6.Supervision is normally close or readily available. 7. Jobs can be performed without the knowledge of other jobs. 8. Deviations from instructions not permitted. 9. How the activities/ operations are to be performed has been decided upon. Confirmation guidelines knowledge which provides the ability to follow on the job instructions and/ or training. At the lowest level instructions are given for the activities or operations to be done. Immediate guidance is more remote at the higher l evel. The complexities are at such a level that the activities or operations can be taught very quickly and are easily learned.Courses of action are prescribed with no deviation permitted. Simple demonstration of the activity or operation is sufficient to enable the undertaking and completion of requirements. Results are immediately visible or known within a very short time period. Job Evaluation Guideline 2006 11 SKILL LEVEL TWO: DISCRETIONARY SKILL LEVEL At this level there is a certain amount of discretion or judgement involved. It therefore follows that additional training/ experience and practice is needed following the initial training period.The skills are acquired through a learning period and developed by constant application and correction until operations become routine. Characteristics 1. Not everything can be taught during the training period. Additional experience is required. 2. Judgement or discretion is required in choosing the most appropriate courses of action fro m prescribed alternatives. 3. Decides how the routines/ operations are to be performed. 4. Discretion as to which tools/ equipment to use. 5. Decides on the correct action by selecting from a number of preset courses of action. 6. Knowledge of routine(s). 7.Formulae and limits are given or prescribed. Confirmation guidelines Additional training and experience beyond the initial training period is required to carry out a job competently at this skill level. Competency comes only after exposure to a series of new situations which builds confidence in the know – how required in the job. Complexities are those found in routines where alternative courses of action needs to assessed for applicability to a given situation. Job Evaluation Guideline 2006 12 SKILL LEVEL THREE: SPECIALISED SKILL LEVEL This level of skill is usually reached after years of experience and/ or training.This level is such that routines which have been learned can be used or varied to achieve the desired end result. A full understanding of the system within which this skill level operates is essential in order to determine what is required in differing circumstances. Ability to recognise cause and effect is necessary. Characteristics 1. Works within established rules, regulations, policies and practices. 2. Decides how best to achieve required end results. 3. Concerned with routines that are established within a system. 4. Sums up the requirement of a situation and decides which routine (procedure/ technique) to use. . Devises or introduces new routines within a system. 6. Concerned with how established organisational and departmental rules will apply. 7. Supervised in terms of end results, not routines or operations. 8. Must understand the interrelationships of routines within the system and the implications of change. Confirmation guidelines knowledge required is of a specific nature gained through years of training and experience. This is coupled with an intelligence level sufficient to understand how to diagnose problems and to choose and/ or modify routines to deal with them.The complexities at this level are due to the need to be able to sum the requirements of a situation and to determine what to do. Because problems do not have the same pattern the method of dealing with them must be varied. Job Evaluation Guideline 2006 13 SKILL LEVEL FOUR: TACTICAL SKILL LEVEL This level of skill requires conceptualisation of future action or needs in order to formulate short to medium term plans for within a discipline or function. Advice, recommendations and/ or the management or tactical use of resources specific to the job are features at this level.Positive interpretative skills and innovative plans are essential as the framework or ground–rules either do not exist or else are vague. Characteristics 1. Decisions governed by master plan, programme or budget. 2. Decisions require independent reasoning. 3. Decisions often involve optimum allocation of resources to support plans. 4. Sets precedents, creates rules. Must consider the consequences arising from rule making. 5. Works from first principles in developing new concepts. 6. Knowledge of a discipline/ function. 7. Results of areas under control co-ordinate with those of other areas. 8.Translates overall company plans into working decisions for or within a discipline/ function. 9. Decides on unique situations not covered by precedents. Confirmation guidelines Knowledge and experience of a discipline or function with the ability to understand the significance of strategically important areas of the organisation in the medium term. Complexities are due to the need to interpret strategic requirements and form conclusions. Jobs at this level provide the interface between the specialised and strategic skill levels and therefore involve forward planning, organising and conceptual problem solving.May provide input for strategic planning. Job Evaluation Guideline 2006 14 B. FACTOR ASSESSMENT A ND POINTS SKILL LEVEL ONE: BASIC SKILL LEVEL COMPLEXITY 1 2 3 4 5 6 A number of activities or operations. These are performed following direct instructions or initial demonstrations. Operations of a varied nature. A minimal degree of latitude allowed as guidance is not always available to deal with problems as they arise. KNOWLEDGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 Knowledge and understanding, sufficient to follow instructions and/ or demonstrations of the activities/ operations to be performedKnowledge and understanding of the relationships of the activities involved within the operation (s). Understanding of basic written words/ number recognition followed by training and/ or repeated exposure to the operations. INFLUENCE 1 2 3 4 Influence on others is co-incidental, being limited to contact with them. Interaction with others and dealing with information or product/ equipment problems. PRESSURE Steady flow of light to medium work with occasional peak periods and/ or minimal stress involved. 1 2 3 4 Med ium to heavy physical effort and/ or important deadlines to meet.Physical effort guideline Light: Medium: Heavy: less than 5 kg 5-20kg over 20kg Job Evaluation Guideline 2006 15 SKILL LEVEL TWO: DISCRETIONARY SKILL LEVEL COMPLEXITY Operations in one well established straight forward routine. The operations are generally repetitive. Job parameters and guidelines for resolving problems are defined. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 A variety of routines of which some operations may be non repetitive. Guidelines for resolving problems are not readily available. A variety of routines, some of which are diverse. Problems arise which have to be resolved without the availability of specific guidelines.KNOWLEDGE 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Knowledge of one routine, together with the training and experience, providing the necessary background to perform operations. Knowledge of a number of routines with the need to apply discretion in changing circumstances. Knowledge of varied and/ or variable routines a nd an understanding of routines in related areas. Required to work independently. INFLUENCE Influence is exercised by the recording and passing on of information and/ or advice to others. 5 6 Interaction with others where persuasive influence is necessary and/ or responsibility for the work of others in the same skill level 8 PRESSURE Flow of work is subject to fluctuation and/ or decisive action required to meet predetermined deadlines. 5 6 Considerable interruptions and time stress are inherent and/ or conflicting deadlines to meet. Job Evaluation Guideline 2006 7 8 16 SKILL LEVEL THREE: SPECIALISED SKILL LEVEL COMPLEXITY A system or specified end result consisting of routines from which to choose, some of which are variable. Problems which arise have to be resolved by reference to established practices. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 A broad base system or specified end result consisting of a number of variable routines.Problems have to be resolved within a general framework. A varie ty of variable routines within a complex system. Interaction with other systems and integration into own area of activity is required. Guidelines for resolving problems are non specific and wide. KNOWLEDGE 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Knowledge of a system providing diagnostic skills to identify problems and determine corrective action. Knowledge providing broad diagnostic ability. Background knowledge of routines in other area is required. Knowledge of a complex system and a full understanding of other systems and their critical interrelationships.Background providing for an understanding of own and other related issues in a departmental context. INFLUENCE 9 10 11 12 Influence is exercised by the provision of information and/ or advice to others. Interaction with others where negotiation/ strong persuasive influence is required and/ or responsibility for the work of others in the same skill level. PRESSURE Fluctuating workflow subject to peak periods and/ or necessary to make plans t o meet predetermined deadlines/ issues. 9 10 Frequent unforeseen peak periods or considerable interruptions and time stress and/ or imperative to take immediate action on conflicting deadline/ issues.Job Evaluation Guideline 2006 11 12 17 SKILL LEVEL FOUR: TACTICAL SKILL LEVEL COMPLEXITY A number of decisions which have to be interpreted within one discipline or function to achieve the objectives set. Guidelines for resolving problems are normally available. Works generally within functional policy. 25 26 27 Decisions many of which are variable and diverse within a discipline or function, the systems of which are broadly based. Guidelines for resolving problems are broadly defined. Interaction with other disciplines or functions is essential in order to achieve objectives.Usually works with others at a similar level and provides guidance on functional policy. A range of decisions which have variety and diversity in setting policy and/ or objectives for one discipline or function and / or have an effect on more than one discipline or function. Guidelines for resolving problems are limited. KNOWLEDGE Knowledge of a discipline/ function and the background to deal with unique situations. Problems are determined and resolved by considering principles, theory and techniques within the discipline/ function and other factors in related areas.Knowledge of a discipline/ function with the need to determine new approaches and apply them. Background providing a full understanding of the critical interrelationships of other disciplines or functions. In depth knowledge of a discipline/ function together with a broad understanding of more than one discipline. Background providing for an understanding of the significance of strategically important areas of the organisation and to plan accordingly.INFLUENCE 28 29 30 31 32 33 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Influence is exercised by the provision of information and/ or advice to others at a level of a discipline/ function. 3 14 Intera ction with others where vital/ critical negotiation is required which will impact on the organisations image and/ or responsibility for the work of others in the same skill level. 15 16 PRESSURE Interruptions and pressing issues to deal with or necessary to take decisive action where reliable precedents are not always available and/ or conflicting managerial aims to be resolved. Prolonged periods of stress and/ or urgent actions needed to deal with critical issues within changing corporate parameters. Job Evaluation Guideline 2006 13 14 15 16 18 Job Evaluation Guideline 2006 19

Friday, September 27, 2019

Principles of Information Systems in Business and Organization Essay

Principles of Information Systems in Business and Organization - Essay Example Additionally, it refers to information or knowledge that is coded. Information on the other hand, refers to the data that is accurate, timely, organized and specific. It also covers data that is presented in a form that has a meaning and relevance. Knowledge entails the understanding of the information and facts through the process of learning, experience or education. This paper aims at discussing how data, information and knowledge are applicable in the context of administrative behavior theory. Administrative behavior theory refers to the process through which individuals work in an organization. The theory, which was established by Herbert Simon, indicates that individual in high positions make decisions while those in lower position make decisions with a bit higher factual component (Levinson, 2007). Additionally, it indicates that activities can only be evaluated against the goals set. Simon covers two major concepts within the administrative behavior. The first one is the bounded rationality. This concept covers the cognitive limitations of decision makers. It also indicates that during receiving, storing and receiving information as well as in solving problems, individuals face limitations. Other issues that are covered by the bounded rationality includes recognizing the costs of processing as well as gathering information, limiting the available utility functions and possibility of having a multi-valued and a vector function. Simon second concept is satisficing. This refers to the attempts to attain at least minimum value of a certain valuable without striving to achieve the minimum value of it. During satisficing, individuals use various strategies to get the data that is applied to identify the solution that satisfies a set of constraints. For example, during optimization, if X denotes set of options, and S  Ã¢Å â€ Ã‚  X portrays the satisfying options, then an optimization

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Behavioral Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Behavioral Economics - Essay Example Generally beliefs concerning the uncertain events are expressed by statements like "I think thator chances are etc. These are sometimes expressed in numerical form as odd or subjective probabilities. Heuristics are simple, efficient rules, fine-tuned by evolutionary processes or learned, which have been proposed to explain how people make decisions, judgments and solve problems, typically when facing serious problems or in case of inadequate information (Tversky, Kahneman,1124). People often follow a limited number of heuristic principles in day-to-day life, which reduces the process of assessing values and probabilities to much more simple judgmental operations. These heuristics are very useful but at times can leads to severe and systematic errors (Tversky, Kahneman, 1124). In case of representative heuristics (Tversky and Kahneman, 1126), the likelihood of an event is judged based upon the extent to which it represents the essential features of the parent population or the generating process. Representative heuristic is generally used by people to make judgment or impression about someone or something. (Koning, 1) It is usually employed while deciding the probability whether or not an object or event A belongs to class or process B. (Tversky and Kahneman, 1131) For illustration of representative heurist... he example of Steve who has been described by his neighbor as "very shy and withdrawn, invariably helpful but with little interest in people or in world of reality. A meek and tidy soul, he has a need for order and structure and a passion for detail. How are people going to judge the possible occupation of Steve from a list of possibilities (e.g. farmer, salesman, librarian, airline pilot or physician) In the representative heuristic, the probability of is assessed by the degree to which he is representative of, or similar to, in this case say a librarian, the stereotype of a librarian. Research with similar type of problems shows that probability and similarity plays equal important role in case of occupation of people. This method of arriving at a particular decision based on the similarity or the representativeness leads to erroneous results affecting the ultimate outcome because similarity is not influenced by the factors which influence judgment probability (Tversky and Kahneman , 1131). There are some drawbacks of representative heuristic which can be rectified by considering the following parameters. Insensitivity to prior probability of outcomes (Base-rate neglect): The base rate fallacy, also called base rate neglect, is an error that occurs when the conditional probability of some hypothesis given some evidence is assessed without taking sufficient account of the "base rate" or "prior probability" of hypothesis (Wikipedia). The prior probability or base-rate frequency of the final decision has a great deal of effect on the probability. In the above example, the fact that there are many more farmers than librarians in the population should be considered while judging, for an estimation of probability that Steve is a librarian rather than a farmer. People tend

Ethical Dilemma Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ethical Dilemma - Assignment Example Hence, conflicts involving personal values should not be considered as ethical dilemmas although they can be uncomfortable and difficult. However there can be some complicated situations that may involve conflicts between values, laws, and policies, such dilemmas are referred as â€Å"approximate† dilemmas. â€Å"Absolute† or â€Å"pure† ethical dilemma occurs only when two (or more) ethical standards are applied to a situation but are in conflict with each other. (Allen 2012) One of the ethical dilemmas in business situations is of sexual harassment and as it is against the laws it is an â€Å"absolute† ethical dilemma. It is considered unlawful to harass a person, an applicant or an employee in case of a business situation. â€Å"Sexual harassment† or unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature, they all come under and are included in Harassment. Harassment not necessarily has t o be of sexual nature it can also include offensive remarks about a person’s sex. An example of this is harassing women by making offensive comments about women generally; this is sexual harassment and is illegal under the law. ... Harassment is considered illegal if it is either so frequent or it is severe enough to create a hostile or offensive work environment or resulting in an employment decision victim being fired or demoted, that is adverse. (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 2013) For a theoretical approach to define sexual harassment as an ethical dilemma, it must follow the three conditions of an ethical dilemma situation. The first condition is that it must be a situation in which an individual, the agent, must decide about which the best course of action is. That is in case of harassment, a victim should seek for the best possible action. Uncomfortable and difficult situations that do not require a choice are not considered as ethical dilemmas. Second condition for ethical dilemma requires a situation to have different courses of actions to choose from. In case of sexual harassment as an ethical dilemma, a victim must decide what the best option is to whether go to court for rights and make it a public issue or to resolve it with the firm personally. Last condition of an ethical dilemma is that some principle is compromised no matter what course of action is taken. Even if the victim charges a case against the organization he will lose his job or have fear of losing it. As all these conditions are fulfilled in sexual harassment, it is considered as an ethical dilemma. (Allen 2012) Other factors that qualify sexual harassment as an ethical dilemma include the complexity of both the situation itself and also of the selection of course of action to be followed post-harassment. A victim’s confusion regarding whether a co worker’s obscene comments and unwanted touching are actually harassment or whether he is being over sensitive, whether the incident should be

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Comon Law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Comon Law - Case Study Example The defendants were owners of Company making medicinal compounds used in the treatment of breathing ailments. They issued an advertisement claiming that they would offer ' 100 to anybody who could contract influenza after using their smoke balls and claimed that they had deposited '1000 in a bank as a token of their sincerity for their claims. (Lindley and Smith, 2004). The Company remonstrated that there was no contractual obligation between them and Mrs. Cargill, since she had not informed the Company of her acceptance of contract - testing and using the product. The Courts, comprising of Judges Lindley, Bowen, A. L. Smith L. JJ. held that the very fact of buying and using the product constituted acceptance and could be enforceable in a Court of Law. (Old Cases with Weird Facts Still Define our Law of Contract. 2006). 2. Terms of contract: The terms of the contract should be clear and understood by contracting parties. It should be lawful and not against public policy, and should not have "unusual hazards for the contracting party" (Contract Unenforceable Transactions) 3. Legal relationships The main objective of the parties to the contract is to enter into valid contractual obligations and create legal relationship. "The parties must intend that the offer and acceptance be binding upon them. There is a presumption operating in commercial contracts that the parties intend to create legal relations." (Contract Law). 3. Consideration: This is an important aspect of contractual law since without consideration the contract may be voidable at the option of the parties. The aspect of consideration has been the bedrock of many legal disputes but the landmark case of PepsiCo Co needs to be mentioned. In the case of Leonard v PepsiCo Inc. 88.F.Supp 2 d 116 (SD NY 1996) in which a young man sued the PepsiCo Company in an attempt to enforce an offer made through television commercial for redemption of 7,000,000 Pepsi Points for Harrier jet fighter aircraft. In this case decided in 1999, the Judge, Kimba Wood ruled that this case could not be enforced on three counts: A. PepsiCo's commercial been only an advertisement and did not constitute a valid offer to the world at large, or in other words there was no consideration flowing from the parties. It would be difficult to imagine that one could get a fighter jet aircraft for $ 7,000,000,when" the cost of a Harrier Jet is roughly $ 23 million dollars, a fact of which plaintiff was aware when he set out to gather the amount he believed necessary to accept the alleged offer." c. There was no communication between the alleged contracting parties which was enough to satisfy the Statute of Fraud, which the applicant had claimed from the company. (Leonard, 1999, p.10). Absence of consideration from both the contracting parties could be witnessed in cases of gifts, payments made for charitable purposes, etc., where there may not be mutual consideration 4. Capacity to enter into contracts: The parties entering into contract should have capacity to enter into it, like being of majority age, free from mental disabilities or under state of inebriation when entering into con

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Land study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Land study - Essay Example According to Covanta Energy (2011), the Rookery South EfW Generating Station will be able to â€Å"convert approximately 585,000 tonnes of residual waste per year into 65MWe of electricity, of which 55MWe would be exported to the national grid. That's enough electricity equivalent to meet the needs of Bedford and the Marston Vale;† meaning, approximately 82,500 houses (About the Project, para. 2). As far as the size and construction, Covanta Energy did not want to hinder or takeaway from any long-distance views. Therefore, the designers decided on a building made up of boxes that interlock (See Figure 1), to reduce the height of the structure as much as possible; the other option was a 3-stack building. Still, with 9 times the total capacity per annum of the Isle of Man EfW facility, the current design is approximately 2m lower than â€Å"the visible height above ground level of the Isle of Man EfW Facility† (Covanta Energy, 2011). ... Assets including designated and undesignated archaeological sites and historic buildings such as parks and gardens, monuments, areas of conservation, and registered battlefields are the focus of the assessment. Since the Rookery South EfW Generating Station will be built in the location of a former clay pit, there is very little, if any potential for negative impact on historical assets. The only potential for disturbance Covanta Energy (2011) has acknowledged is to â€Å"currently unrecorded sub-surface archaeological features during those construction works that take place outside of the pit of minor significance† (Cultural Heritage, para. 2). The residents and local decision-makers feel different from Covanta about the impact on the historical area of the proposed development. Residents of the Marston Vale and surrounding areas near the proposed site of the project want to hold on to one of twelve community forests in England (Ampthill, 2011). The resounding message to Cova nta is the pollution generated from the facility combined with the eyesore of a massive processing plant viewable from long distances will ruin the historical beauty of the land (Ampthill, 2011). Although Covanta recognizes the fact that the facility will be visible from long distances, potentially causing negative reactions like those conveyed by the residents in the surrounding communities, they feel they have taken adequate steps to minimize any adverse impact. The steps they refer to include the low-profile design, as opposed to the 3-stack alternative, and the selection of material finishes for the buildings, which they feel are as aesthetically pleasing as a waste processing plant can get; all aspects of the design were developed after consulting with Central Bedfordshire Council,

Monday, September 23, 2019

Outlining Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Outlining - Essay Example Twin studies have shown that there is an interaction between environmental factors and heredity. The preliminary outcomes from the conducted twin studies imply that both genetic factors and socialization processes are essential in human development (ibid). This is the scientific and systematic study of the biological underpinnings of social behavior. Sociobiologists in essence apply the principles of natural selection of the natural scientist Charles Darwin to the investigation of the human social behavior. They infer that specific forms of behavior become hereditarily connected to an organism if they play a significant role in is suitability to survive (Albrow, 1999). Individuals have diverse perceptions, sentiments, feelings and ideas about their identity and their attributes. However, these abilities of individuals to understand their position intrinsically and externally are not inborn. Sociologists argue that individuals establish their own description, which is the self. Both sociologists and psychologists have expressed interests in the process of individuals’ development and adjustment of the self because of social interactions (ibid). Cooley promoted the belief that individuals learn who they are through interacting with others. The viewpoint of individuals on themselves then not simply comes from direct reflection of their personal attributes, but also from their impression of how others identify them. Cooley referred to this process of self development as the looking-glass self which indicates that the self is the outcome of social interactions with other people (Schaefer, 1995). Georger Herbert Mead continued the tradition of sociological thinking of Cooley. He further explored the interactionist theory and the sociological understanding of the self. Mead formulated a useful model of the process by which the self surfaces, defined by three discrete stages (Smelser, 1967). These are the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Therefore the poet is trying to demonstrate Essay Example for Free

Therefore the poet is trying to demonstrate Essay Hopkins was born in 1844, and died just 45 years later in 1889. He was a deeply intellectual and religious man, and became a Jesuit priest in 1877, the same year of which he wrote Pied Beauty. In the poem, the author expresses his gratitude in God for making all the beautiful things that we now see in this world (assuming that what he saw is not that far off from what we now see of course) and how we should all â€Å"praise him†. Significant poetic devices and their significance (eg: Metaphors, symbols, rhyme scheme, form, imagery, repetition†¦ etc) Structure-based analysis 1) Funny rhyme scheme here. ABCABC DBEDE. Note how every rhyming lines are indented to the same extent. This perhaps portrays the different hierarchies of the world that we see today, whether it is caste, wealth or class. He perhaps is trying to link them all together, and express the feeling that there is room for everyone in the kingdom of God, or God sees all, from the rich to the poor, no matter what your social status. The peculiar rhyme scheme could represent the fact that we often find God a very mysterious entity, one who works in mysterious ways. We cannot fully understand why he often does things so out of convention (ie storms, hurricanes) but they are all part of his plan to make everything work. The break in the rhyme scheme illustrates the fact that God is unpredictable, when you start to understand what he does and how he works, the more he changes and does something completely different. Therefore the poet is trying to demonstrate the fact that we cannot even begin to comprehend the concept of God, and that ‘the only thing we are certain about him is his uncertainty. The last line in the poem â€Å"praise him† is indented differently from the rest of the poem, providing a very powerful message for the conclusion, as if the poet was saying ‘Amen’ at the end of a prayer. 2) Iambic pentameter not used, rather Sprung Rhythm is used. This is a poetic rhythm designed to imitate the rhythm of natural speech. It is constructed from feet in which the first syllable is stressed and may be followed by a variable number of unstressed syllables. In this case, the poet uses this to make his poem sound more genuine; emphasizing the fact that he truly feels this sense of love towards God. The fact that it sounds like natural speech also creates a stronger empathy link with the reader and the poet, thus making it easier for the poet to get his point across.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Religion In Prison Philosophy Essay

Religion In Prison Philosophy Essay There are many aspects that constitute the day to day life of a human being. Some aspects are done as a matter of routine while others are done as a matter of necessity. Religion is one of the aspects that has over the years continued and still is playing an important role in the life of man. Religion by definition refers to the belief in the existence of a supernatural being to whom all worship, adoration and reverence is given. This discussion looks at life in prison and how different or similar it is with the religion that is practiced in the society. Life in prison is pretty tough especially for those who are getting in there for the first time. It is almost unbearable and most inmates wonder if they can hardly make in the harsh environment that is characteristic of prisons. To enable most prisoners cope with the difficult life behind bars, prison officials have introduced different ideas and concepts which are meant to make prisoners forget for sometime that they are behind bars and feel just as if they were in the society (Arthur, 2005). One of the aspects that have been introduced in prisons and one that has proven effective is religion. Until recently, the issue of religion among prisoners has always taken center stage with a debate ranging on whether prisoners have a right or not to practice religion. It was argued that since inclination to a certain religion is freedom in itself, prisoners should not be allowed to have this freedom since their freedom is already curtailed by virtue of the fact that they are in prison. After a series of court battles, it was decided that prisoners equally have a right to religion and to worship in whichever manner that they deem fit. The method of worship chosen by the prisoners however should not be one that contravenes the law (Jim, 2010). Inmates are only allowed to practice the main religious faiths allowed which include Catholicism, Islam, Jewish faith and Protestantism. Inmates are also allows to practice Hinduism, Jehovah witness and other native religions that are recognized in the society. Besides being allowed to practice these religions, sometimes the inmates are treated to inspirational programs from men of the cloth who are allowed to come and talk to them and instill in them faith and hope for the future (Michael, 2010). There are many reasons as to why prisoners turn to religion. Life in prison can be very challenging especially if the prisoner is going to spend the next couple of years behind bars. Some inmates feel like it is the end of the road for them and others go to an extent of wanting to take their lives (Michael, 2010). Religion therefore gives them direction and gives them a reason to want to hold on and give them hope for a better future. Religion also gives inmates a peace of mind which is not easy to find in the life behind bars. Religion also makes a prisoner feel safe from the otherwise harsh and sometimes violent environment of prison (Thomas, 2003). Besides the positive impacts that religion is said to have among inmates, it has also been argued that religion has been abused by inmates who use religion to go beyond the limitations of the prison rules and regulations. It is believed that some prisoners who appear to be deeply rooted in religion in fact use religion to be able to get and pass on forbidden items, what is known as contraband such as drugs, weapons and food to other prisoners at a cost. This allegation has also been supported by the fact that most prisoners who have deep ties in religion while behind bars tend to re-offend once released back into the society. This only goes to reaffirm that indeed, at times religion in prison is only a cover up to be able to do so much without being suspected (Beckford Gillait 2008). Religion has also been said playing an instrumental role in the process of rehabilitation and behavioral change. Religion has a way of counseling without heavy reprimand and this helps the inmates to see the need to change from their wayward ways and become better members of the society. Religion has also helped most prisoners to change their perception about their own self. When a prisoner is incarcerated, they are made to feel that they are different from other members of the society. However, religion makes inmates understand that there is no difference between them and other people in the society and that if only they could change from their ways then they could go back to the society and become part of the same society that view them as different (Jim, 2010). When an accused person is arrested, they are later to taken to court and charged with a particular crime or offence. Once they are found guilty of the crime with which they are charged, they are sentenced and most of them end up being locked behind bars for a couple of years where they serve their sentences (Arthur, 2005). Life behind bars is punishment enough. Being denied basic rights like good food and comfortable shelter and clothing is punishment in itself. Religion has therefore been integrated to become part of the prison life to make it bearable. It is important to note that prisoners should be allowed to carry out all religious practices that are laid out by the faith that they profess provided that the religious practices do not go against the rules and regulations of prisons. No religion should be given preference over the other so that every prisoner should have a right to practice any religion provided it falls under the category of the allowed religions in the country ( Jim, 2010). As already mentioned earlier in this discussion, due to the harsh environment that is characteristic of prisons, most prisoners, especially first time offenders find it hard to adjust to the environment. However, statistics indicate that since the introduction of religion in prisons, the environment seems friendlier and bearable and this has helped many prisoners find it easy to adjust to the prison life (Thomas Nathaniel 2003). The United States of America is one of the countries that have been on the forefront in ensuring that the rights of prisoners as far as freedom of worship and religion is concerned are respected. Although it is still in the this country that many battles have been fought to ensure that prisoners get their rights, it was a worthwhile battle because today, prisoners incarcerated in United States of America prisons have been guaranteed unlimited freedom of worship and religion. However, according to the recent court ruling regarding the freedom of religion and worship for inmates, this freedom is curtailed to a certain extent when the safety and function of the prison system is at jeopardy (Jim, 2010). In prison, the kind of religion practiced is somewhat different with the kind of religion practiced in the society. Due to the set up of the prison system, prisoners are forced to practice religion as individuals. However, sometimes, they are allowed to practice as a group as religion in prisons has now been structured anew to allow a more organized kind of setup. The prison officials always organize for prison visits by religious groups from different faiths that come to minister to prisoners. The pastoral care offered by these groups is both for the inmates and also for the correctional officials (Beckford Gillait 2008). There are programs that have been put in place to facilitate such visits and to ensure that religion in prison is practiced smoothly. Besides these programs, some correctional facilities in addition offer contemplative programs like yoga, mediation and contemplative prayers. Although these practices are viewed by many to be secular, most of the times they are given sponsorship by religious organization on the basis that these practices are very helpful in enabling a prisoner to reform (Thomas Nathaniel 2003). While we can unanimously agree that religion has been very instrumental in making prisons better places and making the environmental more bearable, we must also agree that enough is yet to be done to make the impact of religion in prisons fully felt especially among the prisoners. Perhaps due to the numerous debates on the curtailing of prisoners right to enjoy the freedom of religion, most prisoners have not enjoyed to the full the integration of religion in prisons (Jim, 2010). Perhaps the first question we can ask ourselves is whether indeed prisons need religion. The answer to this question is a resounding yes based on the above discussion. Then the next question to which we need an answer is what more can be done to make the impacts of religion in prison felt in a greater way? The first thing that needs to be done to ensure that religion impacts prisoners in a great and effective way is to make prisoners feel that they are a part of the society. In many prisons, almost all, prisoners are alienated both physically and psychologically from the rest of the society and they are made to feel that they are different from other people in the society. This means that even when religion is integrated in prisons, prisoners are made to feel that it is a favor that is being done to them. Therefore, if the correction officials, the federal government and the society at large can begin viewing prisoners as ordinary people who have only brushed with the law the wrong w ay, then it would be easier for religion to have an even greater impact among incarcerated inmates (Beckford Gillait 2008). If religion among inmates can be enhanced in a greater way that it is being done presently, then we can reduce cases of inmates who re-offend after being released. This would also reduce by a great margin the rate of crime in the society as it is believed that most heinous crimes that are committed are by hardcore criminals who have already done one or more jail terms (Arthur, 2005). I therefore believe that the role played by religion is great and one that should not be underestimated.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Cultural Studies Essays Culture Food and Eating

Cultural Studies Essays Culture Food and Eating Culture, Food and Eating It has been argued that changes inwhat has been cooked, when, where and by whom are a function of other featureswithin the food economy and will have considerable social, economic and healthconsequences. (LangCaraher, 20010) This essay will discuss the changein relation to culture, food and eating by firstly acknowledging that food, cookingand eating have traditionally been seen principally as the womans role insociety. As this is of high significance in examining the consequences ofchange, it will therefore be examined from the assumption that our society isbuilt upon a patriarchal system which underpins our culture to this presentday. In addition through the yearsmodernity has brought about change in production and consumption which has rapidlytransformed the way in which we approach food and eating. Technology has takena great leap forward in how we cook and eat food. Globalisation has allowed forfood to be shipped around the planet at whim and for food trends to travelacross the world. Traditions are changing as people move from country tocountry bringing food from different cultures into the home and marketplace. In all cultures food is imbued withmeaning, it is a currency in society. Food can nourish, entertain and givepleasure. It can also be a source of political conflict for example governmenthealth warnings or arguments around vegetarianism. Not enough food causesextreme problems and at the other end of the scale too much food can be fatal. Someof these issues will be considered when examining the issues around change insocietys approach to food. The Extent of Change in Relationto Cooking In the past cooking and buying offood were traditionally seen as the womans role and what was eaten wasdictated by the seasonal food available and the amount of money people had tospend on food. In assessing the extent of change it could be identified as the physicaland social aspect. Miller and McHoul (1998,p.33) proposethat the physical covers geography, seasons, and economics and that the socialcovers religion, custom, class, health education, advertising, age, gender, andrace. They also recognise the importance of the physiological, which deals withgenes, allergies, diets, needs, and biochemical reaction. In the past thiswould have been seen as the sphere of experts but in our information rich,self obsessed society this could be a significant factor in cultural changetowards food and cooking and is one that cannot be overlooked. Cooking skills were customarilypassed on through families usually from mothers to daughters. In the past themen were the breadwinners while the women stayed at home and looked after thehome, a patriarchal concept modelled on the aspiring middle classes of thetime. Although times have changed and most women now work, the notion that foodand cooking are the womans domain still prevails. This has an effect on what haschanged or is changing in food matters. Tansey and Worsley (1995, p.144) acknowledgethat most of the burden of domestic work still falls on women. The fact thatthey go to work and do the housework is having remarkable effects on the foodindustry. It has created opportunities for them to produce what Tansey andWorsley describe as labour-saving and ego-protecting products. This has ledto a change in shopping, cooking and eating that would have been unimaginable ageneration ago. Availability of food from all overthe world combined with new ways of cooking has altered the way in which weconsume our food. Refrigeration, freezing and microwaving are examples ofpractical ways in which shopping and cooking has changed. Globalisation has madea large contribution, one aspect relevant to this assessment is a post-modernphenomenon termed McDonaldization by George Ritzer in 1996 which has causedmuch debate. Concerns that mass culture is creating a homogenous world whereeverything will become levelled out is deliberated by many theorists of postmodern culture. But at what point do individualschange their behaviour and attitudes to food? Miller and McHoul (1998,p.33) gosome way towards identifying what could be central to how change takes place inwhat, why, where and by whom food is cooked. They suggest that food stands atthe gateway of nature and culture and involves choice at the point where the biologicalgiven hunger meets and becomes indistinguishable from a cultural marker appetite. There are many ways in which appetite can be influenced in todayssociety which will in turn have a bearing on the key forces driving change. Someof these will be looked at in the next section. Key forces driving change With responsibility for everydaycooking taken by women for almost eighty per cent of the time compared withtwenty-five per cent of men (LangCaraher 2001, p.9), it is no surprisethat the food industry target women. Marketing of food products can be seen asone of the key forces driving change in the way in which we cook and eat. Therange of advertisements bombarding us can feature anything from foodingredients, ready made convenience foods, to fast food outlets andrestaurants. As consumers we are offered a staggering choice to satisfy ourappetites. One of the reasons women are seenas so important to the marketers is that they are seen as both consumers andproducers. Rather than simple consumer demand, Lury (1996, p.44) suggests thatthere are a number of different cycles of production and consumption involvedbefore final enjoyment of a meal. She comments Consumer demand can thus beseen as to be mediated by the state and/or the social relations of thehousehold or domestic mode of production This highlights the fact that foodis not a simple commodity with a one way relationship between production andconsumption. It could be argued that, particularly with food, it cannot beassumed that consumers are passive and that consumption can be taken forgranted even though we clearly will always need food. Rather it emphasises thefact that consumption itself is a socially organised set of practices. Lury illustrates this with a quotefrom Appadurai: Demand emerges as a function ofa variety of social practices and classifications, rather than a mysteriousemanation of human needs, a mechanical response to social manipulation (as inone model of the effects of advertising in our own society), or the narrowingdown of a universal and voracious desire for objects to whatever happens to beavailable. Critics of the food industry mayargue that we are being socially manipulated by being force fed over-processedfoods which are bad for our health. However, it must be recognised that theindustry has grown in response to social change such as new working patterns,the rise of single households, and a highly stressed society eating on thehoof. With more single households and families not eating together the foodindustry has provided us with ready made meals to suit our lifestyles. Nevertheless there are many issuessurrounding the food industry which have given cause for concern. The way inwhich food and ingredients are manufactured has resulted in worries aboutimbalance in world economies with cheap food from around the world. Healthscares such as BSE and salmonella in the food chain, fats and additives causingobesity and diabetes are just some of the current arguments. Lang and Caraher(p.10) contend thatfrom the available evidence .. large food retailers are not just respondingto a cultural change, but are using market levers to suit their own agendaswith little thought for longer-term public health outcomes. It has nowbecome so apparent that there is a crisis regarding health, and childrenshealth in particular, that the government has launched a variety of campaignsto persuade the public to eat healthily. This also includes putting pressure onmanufacturers. It could be maintained that given the shocking statistics onhealth, the State is destined to become a key force for driving change in thefuture. The Significance of Change As already identified, concernsover the health of the nation is one of the biggest issues in society at themoment. It has been said that if this trend continues we are the firstgeneration where parents are expected to outlive their children. While cookingis purported to be on the decline for younger people, it is argued that as anation we know more about diet and nutrition than ever before. If the number oftelevision programmes and magazines on food and health can be taken as evidenceof this it would seem it is true. It is clear that our relationshipwith food has changed drastically in recent years, and can be argued that it isa post-modern problem, one of the most visible areas being the explosion of thediet industry. An article in the Observer Food Magazine (March 2005, p.17)considers the latest trend in dieting and why we feel the need to follow adiet. One theory is that it is the sheer abundance of food has changed us intoa nation of nearly 13 million diet addicts. Dr Andrew Hill, senior lecturer inbehavioural studies contends: It is only in the lastmicro-second of human evolution that we have become surrounded by a sea ofcalories. Weve become international, non-seasonal feeders and for anincreasing proportion of people, this represents a challenge. We simply donthave the psychological controls to cope. Our biological system is tilted infavour of over-consumption This and other issues around foodhave brought it into the public eye and inevitably become a matter ofgovernment policy. Tansey and Worsley (p.214) point to five areas with whichthe conventional economic approach to policy concerns itself; efficiency,growth, stability, sustainability, equity. They demonstrate how important foodpolicy is with a quote from John McInerney: Food is an exceptionallypolitical commodity the idea of there being a COLLECTIVE wellbeing inaddition to an individual one will lead to an array of policy actions designedto protect or foster the interests of the weak and vulnerable, referee theinteractions both within and between groups all along the food chain, insulateone group from the actions of others, and redistribute the benefits to achievea more equitable pattern than the market system can manage on its own. With health at the top of thepolitical agenda for any government it could be anticipated that policy willchange the way we approach food. While the government lobbies the food industryand bombards us with the latest health campaign they could expect some results.But when it comes back down to individuals who will implement this in the home?Yet again the burden will fall on the shoulders of women as Guardians of thefamilys health. Conclusion There are many factors involved inthe change in our attitude to food, cooking and eating, of which only a fewhave been discussed in this essay. One thing that remains constant is that westill view our society through the lens of patriarchy therefore, whetherconsciously or unconsciously rely on gender stereotypes of the mother as thenurturer. While this is still largely true the last twenty or thirty years haveproved that the feminist ideals of women being able to have it all has notlived up to its promise. Women have had to rely on a flourishing food industryto help them cope with the domestic load as well as going to work outside thehome. While this has been celebrated by many women as releasing them from thekitchen and allowing them to have a career of their own, it becomes clear thatsociety has not been able to offer any real alternative to womens unpaid workin the home. The concern we have at present withfood, health, and eating has evolved as a consequence of new social patterns,globalisation, marketing, industry and state policy. As a society we must askourselves whether culturally we still put the responsibility for these issuesat the feet of women on the basic level that as the nurturers they areletting down their families. If that is so it then it is not until eachindividual takes responsibility for their own approach to food that things willchange for the better. BIBLIOGRAPHY Miller, T McHoul, A 1998, PopularCulture and Everyday Life Tansey, G Worsley, T 1995, TheFood System, a Guide Lang, T Caraher M, 2001, IsThere a Culinary Skills Transition? Data and debate from the UK about changes in cooking culture, Journal of the HEIA, Vol 8, No 2, 2001 Lury, Celia 1996, ConsumerCulture Observer Food Magazine, March 2005,Do the Science, The Observer 13/3/05

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Analysis of Glory Essay -- Movies Film Glory Civil War Essays

Analysis of Glory   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Glory is a movie about the fifty-fourth Massachusetts regiment in the civil war. This was the first all black regiment the Union ever allowed to fight. Throughout the movie one quote kept proving itself true, â€Å"We went down standing up.† The members of the fifty-fourth proved that they wanted to go down standing up just by joining the army. However there were many situations that proved this further, as the film continued.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  During the regiment’s training period a message arrived at the camp. This message was a warning that all blacks found by confederates would be put to death, as well as their commanding officers. As a result of this warning Colonel Shaw was accepting any soldier’s resignations on the following morning. That morning Shaw was not expecting to see very many soldiers remaining, but to his surprise most all of the men were still there. With this act the men illustrated great bravery, and a willingness to take a stand for their beliefs.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another example of the quote occurred in the black regiment’s training camp. Soldiers were supposed to be paid thirteen dollars a month, but due to the fact that the regiment was black, they were to be paid only ten dollars. The soldiers refused to accept the pay cut and the prejudice that came along with it. They simply went without pay. They may have suffered an injustice by not getting any money for their services, but they would rather not have the money if it meant taking the racism that...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Medieval Piety Essay -- essays research papers

Religion in the Middle Ages takes on a character all of its own as it is lived out differently in the lives of medieval men and women spanning from ordinary laity to vehement devotees. Though it is difficult to identify what the average faith consists of in the Middle Ages, the life told of a radical devotee in The Book of Margery Kempe provides insight to the highly intense version of medieval paths of approaching Christ. Another medieval religious text, The Cloud of Unknowing, provides a record of approaching the same Christ. I will explore the consistencies and inconsistencies of both ways to approach Christ and religious fulfillment during the Middle Ages combined with the motivations to do so on the basis of both texts. A central component of medieval religion that is evident in even the slightest dissection of the life of Margery Kempe or the directed discipline from the author advising contemplation is an unmistakable desire for religious experience. Even among married men and women who are occupied with family responsibilities, lay people during this time such as we see in the life of Margery herself are seeking more intense religious ways of living. Margery, as the example, lived with her husband with whom she had fourteen children. Growing up influenced by the church, her spirituality came to a heightened level when she and her Jesus began having actual communication with one another. While the church was catalyzing religious experience in medieval communities, upon the realization of direct mystical connection with Christ in the lives of people such as Margery, the desire for the inward search for spiritual satisfaction spread. Another tendency of those practicing religion in the Middle Ages is to take Jesus' words from the Bible to a new literal level affecting medieval lifestyles across the board. Where monks and nuns had typically been the only observers of chastity, fasting, and poverty, laity began to observe these life practices as well. In Margery Kempe's life, this apodictic understanding of Jesus' biblically recorded or spoken words is evident among her commitment to make vows of chastity, her desire to embark on long pilgrimages, and her steps of unquestionable obedience as she advances on her spiritual journey. The absolute submission of Margery and the dedication to perfect contemplation in The Cloud of Unknowing which warns, â€Å"†¦y... ...Jesus commands to Margery the contrary saying on one occasion â€Å"†¦go again to her husband and pray him to grant her what she desired† (Windeatt, 59). Margery lived well aware of her desires and, though they often caused temporary conflict such as her chastity, did not neglect herself to such extremes as hiding the desires of her heart or the absence of knowledge. Similarly of the two texts, the practice of contemplation suggests that one comes to know God on the basis of both intellect and emotions. Margery clearly understands this emotional tie to the divine in her relation to the passion of both Christ and Mary and her sufferings on the behalf of them both. Though most probably did not practice their faith as devoutly as Margery Kempe, the central concerns of her life coupled with the practices taught in The Cloud of Unknowing reveal a faith that is defining of Medieval Christianity. Both texts act as a mirror reflecting the Middle Ages and come down to a same key ingredient: desire. Never has there been a time like the Middle Ages where the prevalent desire to physically and emotionally experience the truths of religion was so widespread and evident in the lives of Christians.